- February: “Nina” biofeedback dance perfromance (Connected Bodies Team) as part of “Broken” projects (Supported by: NKA Táncművészet Kollégium).
- September: “Connected Feelings” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team, PREMIERE at L1 Dance Fest, MAMÜ Galery (Supported by: NKA Táncművészet Kollégium)
- August: “Connected Feelings” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), work-in-progress presentation Broken Projects in Artus
- “Connected Feelings / ” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), multimedia version, SmART! Xtra / Open Data by Let it Be! at “Bánkitó Fesztivál”
- “Birth” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), SmART! Xtra at Art & Science conference, ELTE TTK
- “Connected Feelings” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), work-in-progress presentation, SmART! Xtra at Trafo House, Budapest
- “Birth” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), SmART! Xtra / Augmented Body at Trafo House, Budapest (press: http://thecreatorsproject.vice.com/en_uk/blog/dancer-womb-biofeedback-performance)
- “Birth” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), Riders on the Mall Festival, Müszi, Budapest
- “Birth” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), The Long Night of Museums at Kunsthalle – Institution of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, Budapest
- “Birth” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), Broken O Event at Artus Studio, Budapest
- “Ego-World” biofeedback performance (Connected Bodies Team), Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center, Budapest
- coming in September: ALFA, brainwave based video installation (2012) at smART! XTRA // SENSORS @ European Researchers’ Night, Trafo House
- “Usage of Biosensors in artworks” SmART! Xtra / Open Data by Let it Be! at “Bánkitó Fesztivál” – pop up exhibition
- “Usage of Brainwave sensors in artworks” SmART! Xtra at Art & Science conference, ELTE TTK
- “Biofeedback based artworks” DLA research topic, at TMIT FUTURE INTERNET SEMINAR, BME
- “Birth – biofeedback performance” (ENG) at Pecha Kucha Night Budapest / SZIGET Special Edition
- “Biofeedback and audio-visuality – sensor based multimedia projects” (HU), Riders on the Mall, Budapest
- “Biofeedback Art” (HU) at Pecha Kucha Night Budapest Vol.48_Material Edition
- “Biofeedback-projects by Réka Harsányi” presentation (HU) at SmART! Xtra / Augmented Body at Trafo House, Budapest
- “Non-invasive biosensors in artworks” (HU), Capa Center, Budapest
- “Technology of AR and psychology of VR” (HU), Capa Center, Budapest (in collaboration with Rebeka Mancsiczky and Orsolya Kasza)
- “Conception of artworks” (ENG), Survival Kit for Virtual Reality Workshop, Mykolaiv
- “Non-invasive biosensors in artworks” (HU), Audiovisual Open Studios Budapest
[Solo Exhibitions]
- 2012 “To be on razor-thin” solo exhibition at Labor (Budapest, Hungary)
[Exhibitions, Festivals, Screenings]
- “Broken O Event – installation, performances, political poetics”, Artus Studio, Budapest
- “Riders on the Mall” Festival, Müszi, Budapest
- “Broken Z Event – installation, performances, political poetics”, Artus Studio, Budapest
- “Csoport” team exhibition, The Studio of Young Artists’ Association (SYAA), Budapest
- ART VISION VJ (VJ’s Battle Contest) at Circle of Light Moscow International Festival
- “The State of Things” group exhibition (Várgaléria, Veszprém)
- “Error and Co.” group exhibition, Villa Vermes (Dunajská Streda)
- “DART’S User Experience” group exhibition (Cyberpunk DIY worlds / Csikász Gallery, Veszprém)
- „Sense” interactive mapped video installation at „CYBER INDIVIDUALISM” exhibition room, LPM Budapest showcase by Vj Torna International and AV Open Studios in collaboration with Vj Centrum
- „Ecce homo” lenticular print series at „Encoded pictures” group exhibition at Akvárium Klub, Budapest
- „Alpha” brainwave based interactive installation at Audiovisual Open Days 1. – presentations and exhibition by Audiovisual Open Studios Budapest
- “Hommage a Cage” interactive sound installation at LPM Roma, Live Performers Meeting /exhibition room
- “Hommage a Cage” interactive sound installation at „Where the deleted files will be?” LPM Budapest /exhibition room
- “Aritmia-2011” group exhibition, Institute of Contemporary Art – Dunaujvaros
- “Works made by human intervention” group exhibition at “Paksi Képtár” in Hungary
- “Pure Spirit” group exhibition, Spiritusz Galery (Budapest, Hungary)
- “D’ARTS” digital media festival and exhibition (Veszprém, Hungary)
- “World One Minutes” Beijing Today Art Museum, (Beijing, China)
- “World One Minutes” Flemish-Dutch Cultural Center De Buren, (Brussels, Belgium)
- “World One Minutes” in “Videominuto festival”, Luigi Pecci Center for contemporary art (Prato, Italy)
- “Girls in Kitchen” group exhibition Kitchen Budapest (Budapest, Hungary)
- “HELIX” video screening, Tabán cinema (Budapest, Hungary), Stiege Kultur Klub (Vienna, Austria), OTKO TV
- “Homage a Cage” interactive sound installation (degree work) (21. World Scout Jamboree 2007, England)
- “Subjective-Objective” collective video exhibition, Várfok Gallery (Budapest)
- “Emergeandsee” international short film festival
- “VENTIL” collective exhibition, Locus 010 (Rotterdam / Netherlands)
- “BPS2/ Budapest street > Flyers & Visual Gallery” (Budapest, Hungary)
- “The One Minutes Awards” video screening (Amsterdam, Nederland)
- “Best of MOME” short film screening, Sziget Festival / „Octopus” Premise of Arts (Budapest, Hungary)
- “ARC” video festival (Budapest, Hungary)
- “Cross the limit” group exhibition, Institute of contemporary art (Dunaújváros, Hungary)
- “KULTURAXE” video screening (Vienna, Austria)
- “V. Bőrgyári Capriccio” video screening (Székesfehérvár, Hungary)
- “Emergeandsee” international short film festival
- “The Sziget is traveling” short film screening, Sziget Festival / „Octopus” Premise of Arts (Budapest, Hungary)
- “ARC” video festival (Budapest, Hungary)
- “Best of MOME” short film screening, Millenáris Park (Budapest, Hungary)
- “Water” group exhibition, Pit Club (Budapest, Hungary)
- “Challenging Images” group photo-exhibition (Aschaffenburg, Newbridge, Pisa, Miskolc)
- 2010-2016 Doctoral Programme of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, research theme: New technologies in art installations, biofeedback based conceptions
- 2001-2007 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (HU), media design degree at visual communication department
- 2005 Willem de Kooning Academie Hogeschool Rotterdam (NL), media design program
- 2011-2013 Researcher Fellowship from Doctoral Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
- 01-03.2008 Researcher in Kitchen Budapest, Hungary
- 02-06.2005 Erasmus Fellowship, Willem de Kooning Academie, Dept. of Media, Rotterdam, Netherland
- 2007 Audi and Várfok Galery, comic strips competition, 3rd prize (Budapest, Hungary)
- 2004 „New trends in the fine arts” / competition of MINISTRY OF INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATIONS / HUNGARY, 2nd place (interactive video)
- 1998 „Europe at School” / 1st place (Miskolc, Hungary)